IlluminEssence Flower & Gem Essences
Flower essences, such as the Edward Bach Rescue Remedy, and gem elixirs offer a gentle, non-invasive vibrational treatment of emotional and physical states of mind. Non-toxic, non-allergenic, the essences also work particularly well for children, animals and plants.
Each flower and gem possesses a unique vibrational signature which can produce a corresponding positive vibration through the principle of resonance.
IlluminEssence produces a selection of single essences and pre-mixed combinations designed to address the most frequent emotional challenges or imbalances that we experience in life, such as lack of confidence, coping with grief, dealing with anger and frustration, feeling hopeless and many more.
You may also book a full consultation via email or zoom and get an essence combination tailor-made for you.
All essences are supplied in 30ml amber or blue light-sensitive glass dropper bottles with instructions for use.
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